
The places where moments reside

Captivating: The Mighty Mirages

Indian Air force : The mighty Mirages

Why this ad ? - Its only in the recent years that the Indian Air Force has been aggressive on social media, in ads ... bringing the force closer to ordinary citizens. Probably overshadowed by the poster boys , the Sukhoi -30 MKI all these years ... the flyby wire nimble multirole fighters come into a league of its own in this ad. These fighters made their presence known in the summer of 99- Kargill War and probably made a name for itself in the avenging strikes in POK.

They worked hard to make a name for themselves all these years...and they have ..

Video copyrights held by Indian Air Force
Captivating: The Mighty Mirages Captivating: The Mighty Mirages Reviewed by Shwetabh on 9:41:00 PM Rating: 5

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